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International Wine Variety Days

International wine variety days.

Many wine grape varieties have a particular day on which they are celebrated.  Some are honoured in just one country, others draw international recognition.

These special days give producers, marketers and winelovers a chance to share the love about their favourite variety.  They also give writers and bloggers a chance to relook at the variety and share with their readers.

Typically there are both online and offline events. Often there are physical events in many locations throughout the world, so you have no excuses for not joining in.

I compiled a list of these days for my own organisational purposes. Then I thought it might be good to create the resource collaboratively and share the result.

You can help by adding a comment about any varietal day that you know about in the comment box below. Please add a link to the appropriate website if you can. From time to time I'll come back and re-organise this page.

The list is in two sections, the first listed alphabetically by variety. Followed a listing by month to let you see what is coming up. The events tend to be arranged on a similar date each year.  

I've added a few dates that are not strictly varietal days but you should celebrate these too.

Wine Days By Variety

If you really can't make up your mind then May 6 is International Beverage Day and you can drink whatever you like!

You need more than a day to celebrate this Spanish wine variety. First week of August.

Beaujolais Nouveau
The third Thursday of November each year, but my advice is to drink Beaujolais and Gamay all year round!

Cabernet Franc
Cabernet Franc Day is held 4 December each year.

Cabernet Sauvignon
International Cabernet Sauvignon Day is celebrated on 30 August of each year.

National Chardonnay Day is celebrated on the Thursday before Memorial Day (USA)  in 2020 this will be on Thursday 21st May.

Chenin Blanc
Drink Chenin Blanc day is 20 June

This Hungarian variety is celebrated on 1 February

International Grenache Day is celebrated on the 3rd Friday in September each year.

Lambrusco Day 21 June 

World Malbec Day is 17 April.

International Merlot Day is celebrated 7 November of each year.

Moscato Day is celebrated on 9 May.

Mulled Wine
Not a variety but celebrate this winter warmer on its special day of 3 March.

International Pinotage Day is held on the second Saturday in October.

Not a day but a whole week!  Celebrated in the first week of June.

Celebrated on 3 March

Sangria day is celebrated on 20 December each day. A summer drink, suitable for long December days in the Southern Hemisphere.

Sauvignon Blanc
International Sauvignon Blanc Day 4 May 2018 

International Tempranillo Day the second Thursday in November, so for 2017 the date is 9 November.

White Wine Day
You have hundreds of white varieties to chose from  but just make sure you have one on 4 August.

Xinomavro variety  Image from Wines of Northern GreeceXinomavro variety Image from Wines of Northern Greece


International Xinomavro day is held on 1 November each year.

Wine days by Month

A couple of years ago there was an International Port Day held in January. I'm not sure it is still active.


1 February is International Furmint day.

Last Saturday in February is Open That Bottle Night!  You need to find a bottle in your cellar that is in danger of being left there too long.  Invite some friends around and open it before it goes off!


Mulled Wine day is March 3

Riesling day is March 13

World Malbec Day is 17 April.

International Sauvignon Blanc Day is held on the first Friday in May.

Moscato Day is celebrated on May 9 each year.

National Chardonnay Day is celebrated on the Thursday before Memorial Day (USA) of each year. In 2021 the date will be 27 May.


Prosecco week is the Second week of June.  Why have a day when you can have a week?

Drink Chenin Blanc day is 20 June

Lambrusco Day 21 June


The first week of July is Sparkling Wine Week.  Why not try a sparkling wine made from non-traditional varieties?

Albarino Week. You need more than a day to celebrate this Spanish wine variety.  First week of August.

White Wine Day is 4th August.  Plenty of varieties to choose from.

International Cabernet Sauvignon Day is celebrated on 30 August of each year.

International Grenache Day is celebrated on the 3rd Friday in September each year.


International Pinotage Day is held on the second Saturday in October.

Carignan day is celebrated on the last Thursday in October.


International Xinomavro day is held on 1 November each year

International Merlot Day is celebrated November 7 of each year.

Beaujolais Nouveau Day is the third Thursday of November each year.


Cabernet Franc Day is held 4 December each year.

Sangria day is celebrated on 20 December each year. A summer drink, suitable for long December days in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Casey's Wine Days Infographic

My friend Casey, The Travelling Corkscrew has made an infographic of some important days

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