Going to Rutherglen?
Check out this Advice

Vinodiversity Selected products

If you purchase products from this page you will be helping to keep Vinodiversity free.  I receive a small commission from some of the items. This helps me to pay for the costs involved in the various hosting and other services I need.

My Books

I have two current books that you might like for your bookshelf, or your cellar or as gifts.

What Varietal is That? is a survey of some of the most important wine varieties. An ideal book for beginners and intermediate students of wine.  Feedback from wineries and wine shops say it is useful in training new staff.

Rare Ozzies.  Get this guide to all of the new and obscure varieites in Australia.  Where do they come from? Who is making wine from them in Australia. 

This book looks at 120 plus wine grape varieties that are used by just a few winemakers in Australia. (Or at least they were rare when the book was published in 2020).  It is aimed at winelovers who seek to extend their wine tasting experience and to see what is happening at the cutting edge of Australian wine.

Digital Maps

As I no longer stock the De Long wine maps I now promote the digital maps from De Long.  These are PDF versions of the wall maps.

See the selection of Digital maps available here.

Mapping Champagne

De long Champagne

Mapping Champagne is new series of maps of the various villages in the Champagne region by Charles Curtis MW and Steve De Long.

The series is the first modern update and expansion of the pioneering work of Larmat, which was done in the 1940s. Each village map is accompanied by a bilingual French and English booklet that provides a tour of the village terroir and its unique wines, a complete list of lieux-dits planted (or partly planted) in the commune, and a directory of its winemakers.

Order from here

Wine from my Partners

I have an arrangement with Wine Selectors, an online wine store with a large range of Australian wines.

If you buy wine from them after clicking a link on this site I get a small commission. This helps keeps your access to the information on this site free.

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