The environment in this zone is dominated by the sea. The landscape is consists of a series of limestone ridges running from the north-west to the south-east. These ridges are more or less parallel to the existing coastline and each represents a prior coastline. The soils produced by these ridges are deep and have excellent water holding capacity. Thus the regions is eminently suited to viticulture.
As well as its role of shaping the landscape in the past the sea currently plays an important role in today's climate in the Limestone Coast. The region receives an abundance of winter rainfall which is stored in the absorbant soils for summer. And the cooling influence of the sea is felt during the growing season, again ideal conditions for producing premium wines.
Wineries and Grape Varieties in the Limestone Coast Region The major varieties in the region are the classics of Australian viticulture - Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot and Chardonnay. Pinot Noir and Sauvignon blanc are also used in the cooler areas. Traditional varieties do so well that there is little incentive to innovate with unusual varieties, even though there are plenty that would do well here.
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